MAY 20 - JUNE 24
Featuring artists:
Michael Endy | Megan Sickles | Haley Manchon | Eric Toscano | Sarah Becktel | Jodi Gerbi | Kevin Hetzel | Luiza Maia | Cheryl Gross | Benjamin Howard | Kristine Go | Michael Aguirre
a collection of wild animals kept in captivity for exhibition.
a strange or diverse collection of people or things.
MK Apothecary turns 4! We started the gallery to showcase a wide range of art styles and art approaches that compliment each other. We see each artist contributing their creativity as part of a diverse collection to be seen, appreciated and bought. Sometimes unusual and sometimes wild, we want artists of all backgrounds to have their work out in the world. For our 4-year anniversary show, MENAGERIE, we are showing artwork of animals, spirit animals and imagined creatures in a vast array of mediums and interpretations showcased together to celebrate the out of the ordinary.